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No time to fall ill: some remarks on the state of James Bond’s health

Projekt realizowany w trybie zdalnym (ONLINE)
:: Projekt UM253 (Szczegóły)
szkoła ponadpodstawowa
Dla niepełnosprawnych
niepełnosprawnych ruchowo
Forma prezentacji
Nauki i sztuki
językoznawstwo, sztuki filmowe i teatralne
edukacja medialna, medycyna
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie
Wydział Nauk Medycznych
dr Justyna Mandziuk-Nizińska (kierownik),
dr Przemysław Niziński
Czas trwania projektu: 1 godz. (45 min.)
Edycja zakończona
Środa 2024-09-18 09:00 - 10:00
Brak wolnych miejsc
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James Bond, also designated as agent 007, is well recognized for the whole series of beloved spy movies. Although the undeniable blockbuster hit has a reputation for action-packed entertainment only for those with nerves of steel, some may well wonder how James Bond can maintain his impeccable health and physical fitness. After all, a lifetime of fighting villains, living under constant pressure, chronic exposure to toxins, excessive alcohol consumption as well as numerous sexual partners cannot be good for his general wellbeing. Is James Bond so indestructible as we all used to believe? Does his foolhardy courage have any impact on his health? Or, perhaps, agent 007 is a mere man of flesh and blood?

Fortunately, scientists have thoroughly examined James Bond’s health and, as it turns out, the results are quite surprising. The presentation draws on five Daniel Craig James Bond movies i.e. Casino Royale (2006), Quantum of Solace (2008), Skyfall (2012), Spectre (2015), No Time to Die (2021). In this talk we are going to shed new light on the seemingly well-known spy because, as it seems, he is far from killer shape.